New Hampshire Historic Property Documentation
A Certified Local Government grant-funded project in Jaffrey, New Hampshire 2014-15

This project supported in part with federal funds from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior,
through the NH Division of Historical Resources. However, the contents and opinions
do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of the Interior.

NH State No. 725

LAUNCHED: 22 November 2014.       LAST UPDATED: 10 October 2015

Join us for a presentation on this project at the Jaffrey Meetinghouse on Sunday, September 13, 2015, at 4pm.
Click here for further details.

For websites related to this project, the Jaffrey Meetinghouse or other Meetinghouses and Historic Churches, click here.

NH Property Documentation Program. Explanation of the program including format and language. Issued by the NH Division of Historical Resources.
Letter of Intent. To the NH Division of Historical Resources. April 3, 2014.
Letter of Intent presented to the Historic District Commission. May 8, 2014.
Board of Selectmen. Robert Stephenson appears at a Board of Selectmen meeting regarding CLG grant application. May 12, 2014.
Grant Application. July 15, 2014.
Letter of Intent discussed by the Historic District Commission. August 7, 2014.
Public Hearing newspaper notice. For Public Hearing on August 11, 2014.
Board of Selectmen. Continuation of meeting of August 11, 2014. A vote was taken by the Board to accept the grant.
Project Notification Form. Prepared by the NH Division of Historical Resources. Summarizes the budget, purpose, dates, etc., of the project. Final version. September 2, 2014.
Grant Agreement. Between the NH Division of Historical Resources and the Town of Jaffrey. October 3, 2014.
Scope of Services. From the NH Division of Historical Resources.
Request for Qualifications. What was sent out to a variety of architects, photographers and architectural historians. August 29, 2014.
Summary of proposals received. September 26, 2014.
Email to those who responded to the RFQ. September 28, 2014.
Public Notice, Selection Committee meeting. October 2, 2014.
Professional Services Agreement between Town of Jaffrey and Paul Wainwright signed. October 15, 2014.
Professional Services Agreement between Town of Jaffrey and Mae Williams signed. November 10, 2014.
Professional Services Agreement between Town of Jaffrey and Catlin + Petrovick signed. November 17, 2014.
Town Meeting display. Caption for display of preliminary measured drawings at Town Meeting, March 14, 2015.
Final Presentation Notice. Held at the Meetinghouse, September 13, 2015.
Some project-related web links. Where you can go for further information.
Project Team. Those working on this project.
Project Financial Summary. Summary of project costs.
Reports to DHR. Quarterly and final reports.

Photographs and images of the Meetinghouse.
Excerpts & Documents from various sources relating to the Meetinghouse.
Database of Town Reports—Meetinghouse items. This is gradually being developed.
Annual Meetinghouse Committee Reports.
Restoration projects of 1990-1993.
Meetinghouse Windows 2009.
Some Original Sources.
A Meetinghouse Timeline.

Historical Narrative from Mae Williams, August 31, 2015. Fourth & Final Draft
Historical Narrative from Mae Williams, August 27, 2015. Third Draft
Historical Narrative from Mae Williams, July 29, 2015. Second Draft
Historical Narrative from Mae Williams, June 29, 2015. First Draft
Various files and images from Paul Wainwright, July 3, 2015. First & final submission.
Progress prints from Catlin + Petrovick, September 8, 2015. 100% revised. Final.
      • Progress prints from Catlin + Petrovick, June 30, 2015. 100%.
      • Progress prints from Catlin + Petrovick, April 8, 2015. 95%.
      • Progress prints from Catlin + Petrovick, February 20, 2015. 85%.
      • Progress prints from Catlin + Petrovick, January 26, 2015. 80%.
      • Progress prints from Catlin + Petrovick, January 15, 2015. 40%.

Specific to the Jaffrey Meetinghouse.

OTHER MEETINGHOUSES & HISTORIC CHURCHES IN THE MONADNOCK REGION (This is unrelated to the grant project itself but is included here as the launch of a region-wide database of Monadnock Region meetinghouses & historic churches. This is a work-in-progress.)
Meetinghouses & Historic Churches in the Monadnock Region, New Hampshire, and Nearby.