Planning Considerations for an Exhibit at the Historical Society of Cheshire County planned for 2023-2024

Updated: August 12, 2023

For images of signs that may or may not be used in the exhibit, go to:

Some Sign Sources and Links:

• There is some discussion of tavern signs in the New Hampshire Historical Society's book, On the Road North of Boston: New Hampshire Taverns and Turnpikes. [Jim Garvin].

• Allied with NHHS's publication on taverns and turnpikes were two much earlier booklets published by the State Street Trust Company in Boston in 1953 and 1954. I believe that this bank had a major collection of early transportation memorabilia and published Taverns and Stagecoaches of New England, Volumes I and II, as a means of publicizing and sharing its institutional collecting interests. [Jim Garvin].

• The New Hampshire Historical Society mounted an exhibition of parts of their sign collection a few years ago. This included signs of many varieties and periods, including one or more signs from the Interstate Highway System in New Hampshire. It is possible that Wes Balla, then the Director of Collections at NHHS, compiled a general file of publications on signage for his own use in developing the exhibition. It is also possible that NHHS could provide you with the label texts that were used for the individual signs that constituted the exhibition. [Jim Garvin].

• For a good woodcut illustration and a brief text on nineteenth-century sign and ornamental painting, see Edward Hazen, Popular Technology; or, Professions and Trades (New York, 1846), reprinted and widely available today. [Jim Garvin].

• Attached is the exhibition script for Signs of the Times, which was one of the last exhibitions to open before the pandemic. Wes's files do not include a list of books and articles he consulted; rather, it's two thick folders of notes, which unfortunately aren't in any shareable format. To see images of the signs in the script, you can look up each object in our online database: [Jonathan Olly].

• Various Websites. (Excerpts from some of the websites below.)

           history of signs.pdf

          See: Schoelwer, Susan P., ed. Lions & Eagles & Bulls: Early American Tavern & Inn Signs from the Connecticut Historical Society. Hartford, CT: Connecticut Historical Society, 2000.

Pictograms are a system of signs developed in modern times, but with ancient origins. Basically, a pictogram is a drawing that by convention is taken to signify something. In terms of semiotics, a pictogram is an illustrated representation; an iconographic sign that represents complex ideas, not through words or sounds, but using visual containers of meaning.

Some Comments & Observations:

• The title of the HSCC exhibit is "Signs of the Times." I had no idea that that title had earlier been used by the NHHS for its exhibit in 2019. (Indeed, I was unaware of this exhibit although being a member I must have seen it publicized.) Should we consider coming up with another title? [Rob Stephenson].

• The Dublin Historical Society has a summer show that it is calling "Signs of the Times"! This title is popping up everywhere. This item appeared in the July 20th issue of the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript.


          To see images of the signs go to

• Possible alternative names for the exhibit: Signs of Life; Vital Signs [Jim Garvin]

Towards a Sign Taxonomy:

Some types & categories of signs —
(See also
Directional: Signs that indicate direction; where to go to a specific place.

Locational / Identificational: Signs that indicate your location; where you are.

Informational: Signs that impart information about a place.

Advertising: Signs that identify a business or organization, what it sells or provides, where it is.

Warnings: Signs that warn about danger or to be careful.

Memorials: Signs that memorialize something or someone.

Sign Types:

a. Free-standing: on a post or posts.


b. Attached: Attached to a building.


c. Airborne: Up in the air.


d. Projected: Visible at night on a building or structure.


e. Banners & Flags: Soft material on a pole or attached to a structure.


e. Moving: Signs on vehicles of all kinds.



a. Wood



b. Stone:

c. Metal:

d. Paper:

e. Plastic:

f. Textile:

g. Miscellaneous:           1. Neon;           2. Live billboard;           3. Moving message

Mock-up for the Exhibit Catalog:
